Orders are now shipping!
Orders cannot be shipped to Post Office Boxes
NOTE ON SHIPPING COSTS: We’ve received questions on shipping costs between the UPS and FEDEX options we have and the USPS.
The USPS prohibits shipping alcohol-based hand sanitizer through the mail. Shipping is FEDEX or UPS at the lowest rates we negotiated.
If you see Hand sanitizer shipping through the USPS it is either 80% alcohol formulated to CDC and WHO standards or it is being shipped improperly.
The Virginia Craft Brewers Guild, Beer Wholesalers Association, Association of Cider Makers, Wineries Association, and the Manufacturers Association together with participating brewers, cider makers, distillers, wine makers and other participating small businesses formed the Virginia Hand Sanitizer Consortium to produce this Jetho Tull hand sanitizer.
In addition to supporting the small business participants and keeping their employees working, a portion of all proceeds from hand sanitizer sales are donated through the 501(c)(3) Partners International Foundation and its “Helping the Heroes” program to fund donation of hand sanitizer and other support to veterans in need, first responders, healthcare professionals and other community-based efforts.
To fight COVID-19 and other diseases all authoritative medical experts require hand sanitizer products are in accordance with CDC, OSHA, ASTM, AAMI/ANSI, USPHS, FDA, NIOSH and/or other federal regulatory requirements. The World Health Organization (WHO) formula is the recognized standard for these requirements and in meeting these standards.
At a minimum, hand sanitizer should be 80% alcohol. WHO recommends against gel-based and fragrance enhanced hand sanitizer as those additives could reduce its effectiveness in meeting these standards.
The Jethro Tull hand sanitizer produced by the Virginia consortium
*Minimum of 80% alcohol using 100% organic ethanol from the same FDA registered US producers that provide it to other major hand sanitizer manufacturers.
*100% compliant with CDC, OSHA, ASTM, AAMI/ANSI, USPHS, FDA, NIOSH requirements.
*Produced in FDA-certified facilities and formulated in strict accordance with the World Health Organization (WHO) formula.
*100% “formulated in Virginia” using environmentally friendly 100% recyclable bottles by small businesses helping support our communities and keep Virginian’s employed.
*Bottled using Virginia-made bottles and packed in Virginia-made boxes.
*The 500ml (16.9oz) bottle is versatile in its ability to accept the most common dispensing caps, water bottle tops, spray tops and bottle pumps most users already have around the home or office.
*A portion of proceeds from sales helps the group DONATE FREE hand sanitizer to medical, first responders and others.
Some of our overseas suporters inquired regarding obtaining an empty bottle or a print of the commemorative label. We are exploring making these available based on the interest. If you are interested in us offering a limited edition printing of the lable for colelctors, please let us know by taking the survey at this link.
NOTE ON OVERSEAS SHIPMENT – CURRENTLY DHL, FEDEX, UPS and USPS do not allow shipment of Hand Sanitizer to customers OUTSIDE the United States. If you can arrange other shipping options, please contact us.